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Old 06-22-2006, 11:40 AM   #1
The OL
Join Date: Jun 2006
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To The Former Members Of

The name is Corey, (Sanctus) boyfriend. I am posting this once and when I finish I will have no further correspondence with any of you, and I will do all there is in my power to prevent Sanctus from it as well. I've seen the demeanor of my girl spiral from the good natured well intentioned soul she is into a betrayed tortured mess, the situation has come to the point where if I didn’t step in, I would think myself an insensitive prick. I would like to start this out rashly, but in interest of maturity (for the moment) I will remain calm and purely factual.

This will be as straight forward as it gets thus negating Sanctus's retarded latched emotions to undeserved recipients. I don't know or care about a single one of you, so excuse me if I'm intentionally blunt.

A. Sanctus has never had past or present dealings (speaking, emailing, private messaging or otherwise) with any head member of this particular forum. I base this fact on visual verification of damn near every online venture the girl travels. Due to past negative experiences, I keep more then an eye any connections she makes via web and with the current influx of animosity, I collected immediate evidence of her contacts collection and have been monitoring her mailing patterns. My evidence, (although I may catch hell for this) her complete contact list:

First, you tell me EPS, what are we looking for? You know how to reach the administrator... anyone ever stop to consider Sanctus might not? Second, as has been stated randomly across the forum, private messaging has been disabled. Difficult to private message an administrator with out private messaging isn't it? So, I challenge you EPS, produce a solid tangible sliver of evidence, a screen shot direct mailing perhaps?? Or will you continue to base your entire case on a single e-mailed word of some ill-behaved vindictive tart?

B. The idea Sanctus has aspirations to become a moderator within the community.

Okay, what* community? The girl has spent far too much time boring the shit out of me with the inner workings of the downfall of this ill-conceived forum, not to mention her excitement for the day "Things would be brand new" so to speak. So I pose to you a question. Between a 70 hour work week, school, her personal and professional artistic endeavors, the forum she runs alone, personal time with myself and general house maintenance where is it you've chosen to fit in moderating a dying forum? Especially at the cost of someone, many someone’s, she considered family??

Yes, this also makes perfect sense right? Oh but wait, it only gets better, the entire basis of this portion of the argument is based on one post made by a relatively brand new member of this forum? So, apparently Sanctus both requested an entertained the post? Yeah. Explain to me how that works. She could have been an admin, or just a mod. Hmm, the struggle of difficult choices. Morons.

C. Sanctus hasn't posted as frequently else where as she should... and made an intro thread when she shouldn't off.

Well, that's about as fucking ridiculous an issue as I've ever heard. Who are you, hell any of you for that matter to suggest you have the operational end of the strings that make Sanctus dance? She never has played the game of "follow the leader" she creates her own path, (this I love about her) but as I understand it, which was information privy to EPS she has failed to set on the table. Sanctus left it well it the open that she remained to field the influx of new salvageable users, hence the screen of the intro thread.

(Sarcasm)Yeah, screening the introduction thread is the worst way to discover and weed out perfect "else where" prospects.

As for her recreated introduction thread, it was a request. But apparently indulging the will of another user to further build moral and trust so when the move was made she could provide the result of an instant influx of great contributors was a no, no?? You really should better inform your drones how to behave under the queen, EPS. Apparently well intentioned actions are a wrong.

In addition, her drops in attention to other responsibilities are for the following valid reasons:
From day one of her un-requested but appreciated administrative appointment she was met with a backlash of resentment.
Examples: Wolfmoon, who essentially dropped to the ground kicking feet like a five year old over word censoring? "Fucking A" lady, grow up. You’ve a position in an online bulletin board, not the American government.
Ben Langer, who emotionally insulted Sanctus over the right to ban members as a moderator, how necessary was that? As I understand it you're almost 40?? Good to know what kind of adolescent offensive behavior I can look forward to when I reach your age.

(The above also suggests to me an underlying jealous animosity over ‘? a web site appointment?’ Do so many of you require validation through favoritism?? I smell the sweet scent of possible motive and back stabbing possibilities… but who am I to suggest such a thing?)

Last, EPS herself. She had explained to Sanctus in the preliminary onset of this situation that she had dibs on the graphic work, which Sanctus took rather seriously. As documented over a months worth of time (and to be fair she requested another member or two to aide in the overall theme) she waited for some art fag to send her a promised piece to work with. Had she received it? Not to this day. Well, Sanctus took matters into her own hands and spent hours looking for and processing the perfect works for a useable banner to present and the second she logs in to share, her only assigned contribution has been passed on to another and the results accepted. (Which I’ve seen, and have little to say for collective taste..)

Even then, after all this disappointment, she still joked about the hole was digging and the amazement she had for the growth of the other. But as far as feeling welcome, not so much. There has been an influx of new blood, which to Sanctus was foreign and to the rest, a chance to catch up. How exactly does she add to a conversation she knows nothing about?

So instead she continued to scout and play with design issues, but yes, indulge your mutiny lined wet dreams, it was all in effort to attain a god status over the 10 people who remain at Gothic. Amazing deduction folks. (By the way, ever notice how it's a bit difficult to watch an entire forum if you haven't bothered to visit over half of its components?) Yeah, but you all keep running strong with that theory.

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