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Old 10-28-2004, 02:49 AM   #170
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Alabama
Posts: 614
Originally Posted by Maimy
Jade, luv - I'm not sure you are even big enough for gastric bypass. Even if you are: A few things about it experienced by my friend the WalkingBitch, who was not told in advance ...

>>She's had kinks so bad in her intestines that surgery has been considered multiple times.
>>She has lost and broken several teeth.
>>She can't get too thirsty, because she can't drink more than a few ounces at a time.
>>The surgery is extraordinarily life-threatening during, and recuperation is difficult. The re-training of habits is outrageously difficult.
>>The results are incredible - but the excess skin afterward might surprise you more than you expect.
>>You *will* lose your breasts and your ass. That can be shocking for a woman who's had a fair portion in those departments.

I don't really mean to sound like I'm shrieking "NONONO!", but I've seen over three years now how hard this has been for WB, and it takes incredible strength. Also some of the surprises ... I have supported her decision to do this since the beginning (three years or so), but she has expressed doubts given some of the side effects nobody knew about before she had this done.

Part of the problem is its being such a new surgery. They probably didn't even KNOW some of the problems she's had when they performed this procedure on her. And that alone is sort of frightening.

My advice - do TONS of research. Allow nothing without questions. Take no advice (heh) but your own instincts, and trust those more than you usually do. Be brutal both with yourself and your expectations.

And DON'T do this in a depressed state of mind. Right now, it sounds as if you think, "If I were skinny, everything would be better" - and, heaven help me, any doctor who would perform surgery of this nature on a patient who hadn't had counseling to get WELL beyond such issues ... is not a surgeon I'd allow near anyone I loved with a fucking scalpel.
hee.. i adore you.. not even sure if i'm big enough..
i assure you dear Maimstresse i am well beyond the limit for this surgery...
i am approximately 200 pounds over weight and in rapidly declining health..
i have an ankle that is screwed together and my orthopedic surgeon told me that if i didn't lose a drastic amount with in 5 years that i would have to have the joint fused.. that was 2.5 years ago..
for a year and a half after i had the surgery to fix my ankle (which was broken, hence all the screws) i could'nt walk.. i still have a hard time with walking distance.. (like going shopping or even working a normal day)
i have been overweight my whole life but in the last 2 and a half years it has spiraled so far out of control that it's shocked me even..
i used to have so much energy you would have confused me with a kindergartener with ADHD.. i danced i sand i ran i moved i hardly sat down and i was still fat.. now i can't
depression and immobility has taken a huge toll on me..
i go through periods of anorexia when i'm happy and i barely eat for days at a time and then when that world crashes down again i binge and it's destroyed me.. i have a hard time breathing, i have sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome.. i'm at serious risk for diabetes..
i wouldn't have even considered such a drastic option had my stepmom not just been through it..
she had a gastric bypass in june and while it's been a sometimes rocky road it's been the greatest thing she could have possibly done..
i don't want to wait till i'm 41 and have to go through all this trying to reclaim the life i've wasted under all this skin.. i am not the person i was even 4 years ago..
i just turned 21 now and this is already hindering me..
i get sick of the looks and comments and assumptions..
don't worry.. i'm researching and keeping up with the doctor and making sure i have my duckies in a row before i do any thing drastic..
if i were skinny a lot of things will be better.. but it's for my sake that i'm majorly concerned.. these fuckers that look down on me can ride a donkey dick for all i care.. i just want to feel better again and not have to sweat and struggle through my day..
and trust me i know about the excess skin .. i am an avid medical show fan.. (Show me the surgery!)
and i'm not worried about my ass i never had much of one anyway..
but the girls.. you had better believe there will be mourning when they dissappear, then some surgeon will be putting them back on!

thank all of you for your concern.. it helps so much to know that somebody gives a damn..
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