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Old 06-28-2006, 12:34 AM   #102
Nardol's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Posts: 96

Hats are important for protecting facial skin and the back of the neck, tops of the ears/nose. These are dangerously sensitive places from the standpoint of preventing skin cancer, on a side note. If I must go out during bright sun, I make sure to wear a hat, and if my wardrobe permits, a broad brimmed one straw with a cloth band, like you might see old black men wearing. Between the hat, and a good choice of breathable fabrics of light, but muted tones, I've managed to avoid sunburn on exceptionally sunny days, without totally sacrificing my sense of taste.

On another side note, I've gotten alot of comments from stylish old men of color about the hat, especially when matched with dress pants, well polished shoes and a nicely pressed white button down. Not even remotely gothic of course, but I think the "southern blues player" look is pretty sharp.

And on one last side note:

Sunlight allows the body to produce vitamin D, yes it's fortified in milk and so on, but a surprisingly low amount of fortified vitamin D is absorbable due to the nature of the foods to which it's added. The chemical combinations which occur in foods which naturally have alot of vitamin D do not often occur in those bleached or processed foods to which it is added (such as white bread, milk and polished (white) rice). So if you happen to notice that you get sick very often with what are classically called "winter" illnesses (so called because they are related to insufficient sun from staying indoors all winter) you may want to consider a dietary supplement.
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