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Old 06-29-2006, 11:39 AM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 2
Well this isn't really an introduction, I just wanted to say hi and not sound like a random jerk that shows up out of nowhere and starts talking...

And it's certainly easy to say "keep looking", but not easy to live it. I have rent, car insurance, old car payments from two wrecks, and a lovely $21k in hospital bills to pay before I'm murdered in my sleep and my body parts are sold to pay it all off. :\ If you apply to over 23 places and only one place offers you a spot but you have to look clean-cut, yknow, not a lot of choice there.

Though, it seems generally book stores are more lenient than other places... but that might just depend on individual management. ... and night shifts at grocery stores. And liquor stores, but I just only recently became eligible to work there anyway. :P
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