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Old 07-03-2006, 10:02 AM   #104
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Caracas
Posts: 17
I live in a tropical country and I'm extremely fair skinned, so to keep my paleness I keep away from the sun, use sunblock, wear hats (all said before) and a few other things; for example I drink infusion of Viola Tricolor's (pansy) dried leaves and petals; a cup just before bed, it works wonders for me, you can find it in pretty much any naturist store or drugstore... Also pineapple works well, it's diuretic and has the same effect than lemon.
And for reddened skins (wich I also have... *happyness*) avoiding spicy foods and alcoholic beverages helps a lot, as well as drinking water and fruit juices...
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