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Old 08-16-2006, 04:07 PM   #1
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Terror Alerts / Approval Ratings

MSNBC had a great piece on the other night you can watch here...

Bascially, every major 'terror alert' has parallelled bad news for the bush administration. Every time the media picked up on a storey that made bush look bad, a new 'terror alert' is issued. If you google 'terror alert approval rating' you will find many sites, articles, and charts detailing this trend.

Most recently, liberman lost the primary in his state, and the same day bush warns of the british plane threat - even though they had knowledge of this threat many days before and asked the british government NOT to arrest the suspects and to keep it SECRET until after the liberman primary.

And we can't forget to note that the 3 suspects arrested just a few days ago and accused of being terrorists for buying mobile phones have had their charges dropped, and 'a few' of the men arrested in britian have now have been released. This all of course is after the media has gone past looking at the liberman loss.

Anyone else have thoughts on this? Anyone else think that every time the approval rating drops or bad news comes out that bush brings out the 'bogeyman' in an effort to change the topic on the telly?
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