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Old 01-07-2005, 03:22 PM   #1423
tiffany_the_writer's Avatar
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Winged, I love your stories!! I would have read them all but the class ended and I had to go lol. Fiction Press is an awesome website, there are some really good stories on there. I'm addicted to it. I could PM you links to some of my favorite stories from there if you would like.

And yes edible, he was being very diabolical. So not only did he turn me into a pineapple, he used me to hit people on the head, then he took their clouds. It was horrible. THEN... if being an accomplice in his evil scheme wasn't enough... he ATE my pineapple boyfriend!! Gosh how horrible is that!! But it's all good now, I turned myself into a dragon and burnt his hair off!!! So now I have my cloud back and I am the Governor of it!! Like I said... he started it. It wasn't me who came up with this craziness. All him!! :wink:
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