Thread: Woe is me
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Old 12-09-2006, 08:24 PM   #1
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Posts: 70
Woe is me

Yay sarcastic titles! I'm really not much of a whiner. I have lots of self-mechanisms to help myself through tough times. I'm against self harm and drugs in all ways.

That said, sometimes it's nice just to know others are listening. If you have the time, just throw at me what have you. I'm pretty stuck with this, I don't see many options.


About a month and a half ago, my girlfriend starts reading up on Satanism. Curiosity I think. Unfortunately, her parents found out. She was immediately completely isolated and wasn't allowed to talk to me, or for that matter, any of her friends. Being that I'm not in her school anymore (just graduated from the high school, she's a junior), I went to visit once in a while, after school or during lunch, and she usually would call me during lunch otherwise.

She has a history of not being as confident as she could be, but just before all this she was probably the happiest I've ever seen her. So of course when this all started I encouraged her to say strong and persevere.

All the while her parents were doing everything they could to ensure that I she couldn't talk to me, and basically it's one big scare tactic to get her out of all this, which I believe is failing. I even sent them a letter stating that I myself am against satanism, emphasizing that I'm not into any sorts of drugs at all, and I'm just trying to help. They ignored that.

So on Halloween I visited her at her school, brought her flowers for the holiday. 12 roses for that matter. (I like Halloween) She told me that day, I remember, that I was about "the only thing keeping [her] going".

The next day I relieved an email from her that if I tried to talk to her again her parents were going to get a restraining order. She was clearly upset and since then I haven't heard from her since. I talked to one of her friends, and apparently she "wants to get her life in order before talking to me again". This is disheartening. What worries me the most is that she'll be changed through all of this, that she won't be the same person, because she was so happy before.

So lately I've been having dreams in which I meet her and it's over. In these dreams I've told her that I had dreams about it being over before and it's generally just a good picture. Then I wake up, and it's not over.

If I'm going through shit, I can handle...but when someone close to me is going through shit, it rips me up. I want to help but I realize that I really have to back off and just let things settle.


Any advice or fresh perspectives, I thank you for.
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