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Old 12-18-2006, 05:06 PM   #25
om3gag0th666's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 240
Originally Posted by Pyre
I would like to start a discussion about bread.
Personally, I prefer the whole wheat 12-grain bread, as it is healthier and seems to taste better.
White bread is basically sugar in a loaf. It is absolutely nutritionless.
What are your thoughts/feelings on this issue?
I like twelve grain bread, I used to make bread a lot actually. If I had to pick my favorite bread then, it would have to be challah. It's relatively healthy, and it's also delicious. It keeps for a rather long time as well.

Of course I do love seven grain, whole-wheat, and rye breads. They are all delicious. The method of making bread is very simple, and easy to do, so I have to say bread is great.

I want to get my own proof box soon, so I can make a lot of yeast breads.


It always amazes me that yeast is a living organism, I always find that so cool. Ever take 110-125 degree fahrenheit water and dump some yeast in it with the sugar for the recipe of the bread? Watch it bubble up in about 20 minutes, it's a very strange feeding frenzy.
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