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Old 12-19-2006, 04:14 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by SKot
Is om3gadork over there still obsessed with the fat thing? Could it be a guilt complex over his own weight problems? Funny that he didn't include a picture of himself... I wonder why?

Now that's actually me in the avatar there. Yep, the real me, not hiding behind Malcolm McDowell. Guess I'm not fat after all.

Wait, I forget... are we supposed to make fun of goths for all being fat, or for all being stick thin? I forget which stereotype is cool these days...

So I guess it's time for om3ga to find a new epithet to use. What might he choose next? Will he claim that I smell? Live in my parents' basement? (haha!) Play Dungeons & Dragons? Speak in Klingon?

I guess if I cared enough to know, I'd have to take him out of my killfilter.

Actually, Om3ga has yet made any fat remarks toward me, and I wouldn't care less if he did. Regardless what he may say about me (and he really doesn't say much) I know more about me than he knows. That should be enough to not get so twisted around his remarks.

Also, if you're going to make fun of him and insult him, at least have the decency to remove him off of your ignore list. It's rather immature to attack a person when they cannot possibly defend themselves if they were to wish doing so.

I am not attacking you, SKot, and I am not defending Om3ga. I am simply posing my opinion on the way things are being handled. People on this forum sometimes take people far too seriously, and if one were to learn how to get around such obstacles and take what is said more lightly, then many problems would be avoided. Do you want to know why Om3ga doesn't attack me the way he attacks others? I don't get wound up about what he says anymore, because I have learned from his posts more about who he is, and I get a sense of why he does what he does. When he does insult me, however, I turn it around and joke on it. That's the best way to handle a situation.

Violence breeds violence.
Hatred breeds hatred.
Laughter breeds friendships.

Stop attacking, start loving. Group hug, guys ^^
"Don't ever let anybody teach you to think, Lance: it is the curse of the world." - King Arthur in T.H. White's The Once And Future King

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" The Bible (Matthew 7:12)
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