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Old 12-24-2006, 09:43 AM   #42
om3gag0th666's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 240
Originally Posted by BLEED REBELION!!!
im mixed so hear alot of crap about it i used to take it to heart it would really hurt me but now ive learned that it doesnt matter. I think minorities still get screwed over for example. i live in baltimore maryland and in the city most of the schools are primariily black the gov just changed the passing grade to 60% for the schools in the city. so even if you do manage to graduate from one of the high schools you still wont be on the same levle as those that go to suburban schools ( mostly white) your diploma wont be worth shit . I go to a charter school its all about political action and all that jazz. at my school you have to have like an 80% average to pass and it just pisses me off when the stansdards are lowered as if your saying its okay to have a shitty education where theres 30^ kids in a class where there arnt enough books and ppl sell drugs and theres lead in the water.

Affermitave action is needed but i think it should be a class thing instead of race. Because now adays your any one can be poor doesnt matter if your black white hispanic asian or whatever sure there are afew ppl that may be racist and really just need to be bitch slapped , but i think the average person has enough good sence to treat ppl kindly no matter there race.
The average person is racist unfortunately, we only stopped being overtly racist 60 years ago, do you think that we are not covertly racist now? :P
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