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Old 01-12-2007, 05:00 PM   #10800
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My friend started showing me his MySpace horoscope and how accurate it was, so yesterday I wanted to see what mine said. It was accurate, but two weeks late.
Today, however, this is what mine said:
"Your key planet, Mars the Warrior, aligns today with Pluto, bringing up previously hidden anger that might seem to come out of nowhere. However, it springs forth from the depths of your own subconscious mind; it's yours and you must own it. Avoidance tactics won't work. You need to find a way to express your hurt so that it doesn't turn into resentment."
Jesus Christ. . . it couldn't be more right. I came home, got online, and suddenly a rush of anger and hatred engulfed me out of nowhere. I still was thinking about how pissed off I really am, and how it seemed to come from nowhere, and I couldn't pinpoint its origin. I read this and my eyes looked like this-> O.O
The coincidence is so creepy.
"Don't ever let anybody teach you to think, Lance: it is the curse of the world." - King Arthur in T.H. White's The Once And Future King

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" The Bible (Matthew 7:12)
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