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Old 02-08-2007, 09:24 PM   #79
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 205

Originally Posted by Valerius
Ah crap. You guys still getting worked up over that site?
I'M not, no. I could give a rat's ass about some spoof website that some redneck in some trashy trailer park (more than likely) set up to get all the supposed "goth" people all in a fluster. That was most likely the whole idea. Hell, my husband thinks that some snarky (and pretty smart he thinks) "goth" dude did it just to get a reaction.

It's these friends of mine that are all huffy over it. Now they're saying that the "disclaimer" thing on there was "just put there to cover their asses, whoever is putting on that disgusting web site".


I am like.... er... Ok. I said to 'em....."Think whatever yous want. I'm just sayin' that yous might wanna go back to yellin' at Rev. Phelps and Jerry Fawell or whoever yous were yellin' at before all this. At those those monsters actually exist."

They are really nice folks and all, but damn... they sure seem to get off on getting all huffy about stuff like that.., especially the men of the group. See, they're what you call "Christian Goths" or whatever (hey, fine with me) and they don't like crazy fundamentalists and crazy Southern Baptist-types raggin' on 'em. That makes 'em really mad. I know that Rev. Phelps REALLY gets 'em crazy. Can't really blame 'em! I don't care for that kind of crazy fundy talk either. But anyway, I digress. I knew right off the bat that it was nothing but a spoof and not serious. So did my husband.
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