Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 02-28-2007, 02:55 AM   #221
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Originally Posted by nuksaa
You are very preemptive in your 'troop surge' will fail due to your complete bias towards the current administration.
Actually I'm basing it on the fact that three times in the past year they have had 'troop surges' of the same amount, with no effect. What makes this one any different? Now they are making it public? Now they claim its the new magic bullet to end the war? Just because the public is blissfully unaware that they have tried this three times previously and failed does not make me bias - it makes me a realist.

You continue to blame the President for everything, which is a bit short sighted.
Really? Do you think any other president would have allowed this? This of course is another hypothetical, but it is safe to say with the run up to war, made up evidence, and repeated drum banging bush has done for this war he is the main person behind it, well his administration. Who else can we say was responsible? Just because he refuses to take responsibility and say 'the buck stops here', does not make him any less culpable - just makes him more of a coward then before.

You should maintain equal disgust towards the Congress. They are not proposing anything viable for a solution all they want is to play the political control game thousands of miles away from the topic.
I agree - as I said in my last post about the presidential nominees the same goes for all of congress. Both sides have to moderate their actions else be used as a target for the opposing side in the same way as I stated above. They should share some of the blame. Of course the ones most responsible, the repubs who helped start this mess, are mostly out. The ones left are hanging by a thread and aren't doing much to help other than block any worthwhile legislation that makes them look bad.

Who is at the short end of the stick? The soldier. Now is the time the public needs to start comparing Vietnam to Iraq, not due to the US body count, but by comparing the political quagmire occuring.
But isn't that what always happens? Soldiers are pawns. The U.S. military has been used as a political football every since Vietnam. Even more so since the 80's. I agree, soldiers are getting screwed here. That being said, it's even more reason for them to act now, along with their families, to affect change. If a battalion refused to return to Iraq and all members requested CO status, that would make a statement bigger than any of the anti-troop-surge legislation that was currently voted on.

Congress continues their pursuit of the plausible deniablility spin in order to pin everything on Bush as a scapegoat. The facts state Congress is just as culpable to the situation in Iraq.
Once again I agree to some extent. However a majority of those who were instrumental in starting this war are now jobless as per the last elections. There are still MANY there who also do bear responsibility - and as things progress we will see them also pay some price.
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