Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 02-28-2007, 02:11 PM   #222
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Eastern US
Posts: 204
What makes this one any different?
Why is it everyone is fixated on this number of troops? Overlooked is the fact the strategy for the employment of these troops and the current troop over there has also been change. Prior the troops were given limits to where they could go and who they could engage. The strategy change is where the success will be held if it occurs. The change which is currently showing progress, albiet not to the great a sudden grand effects everyone is demanding, with only 20% of troop numbers increased. Insurgent are already having to change their tactics. Will the success in this short time equate to a long term success? We will have to see.

Who else can we say was responsible?

Just because he refuses to take responsibility
As Congress continues to not hold themselves accountable.

Of course the ones most responsible, the repubs who helped start this mess, are mostly out.
Strange how there are 31 Dems who cast there vote in favor of this action. HJR 114 passed with a vote of 77 to 23. Do the math. Who is more at fault in this situation, those who say yes or those who do not say no?

Just because he refuses to take responsibility
He doesn't take responsibility? When did he say this?

If a battalion refused to return to Iraq and all members requested CO status, that would make a statement bigger than any of the anti-troop-surge legislation that was currently voted on.
You are correct here. People doing something that means something; vice a group of people doing something that means nothing and knowing it means nothing while they are doing it. However, I would not herald this battalion as a group of hero but men and woman who renege on their word.

The U.S. military has been used as a political football every since Vietnam.
I hope you are being deliberately obtuse here.
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