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Old 03-14-2007, 03:03 PM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 794
How about a squid for the Republicans, and an octopus for the Democrats. The Republicans are faster and more streamlined. They believe in more efficient government. The Democrats are more into larger government and are a bit more Socialist, therefore they are strong, yet slower at swimming than the squid. Both animals have their tentacles into many dealings and goings-on. If a grass-roots candidate who does not tow the party line or if a third party comes along to challenge them, they both will squirt their ink everywhere. They both run their beaks at each other constantly. When they want to decieve the populus, they just use their skin to camoflage and blend in.

That being said, I am registered as non-partisan. I don't care for either party. I like to refer to them as the Republicrats and the Demopublicans.
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