Thread: En Espanol
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:16 AM   #9
Invisigoth69's Avatar
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My love, My heart, All my world and the candy of my life… My love, My heart, All my world and the candy of my

Expect me, expect me, Expect me when the sky is dark. Expect me, expect me, Expect me when you are absent.

I Loved you when you were here, I Am going to continue to the final day, Nothing will break me, nothing This
will stop me I promise with all my love.

Expect me, expect me, Expect me when the sky is dark. Expect me, expect me, Expect me when you are absent.

My love, My heart, (SOMETHING) these dead persons, these with me, My love, My heart, Nothing can die if there is love
in the world.

Expect me, expect me, Expect me when the sky is dark. Expect me, expect me, Expect me when you are absent.


Well, your Spanish is more than likely better than my "ghetto" Spanish.
Yes, I am of hispanic decent but that does not mean my Spanish is any good. he he. This was all I could make out of your poem and I think I might have wrecked it. Sorry.
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