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Old 03-20-2005, 02:57 AM   #4
gingerbreadwench's Avatar
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Posts: 257
Originally Posted by drgnlvr

Yes, E_E I agree with your remarks about sexual predators. Its a much more important issue than one poor woman stuck in limbo. Pull the plug, let her die, and let's get to doing something really worthwile, like placing sexual predators in prison permanently...and preferably in general population.
I do hope you're not serious about that-- what about those falsely accused? It DOES happen.

Anyway-- on the subject of Terri Schiavo, I'm sort of unsure. I don't believe it is our place as humans to decide when we or anyone else dies. That's for God to decide. But then, on the other hand... It was unnatural to be keeping her alive in the first place. I'm not quite sure where I draw the line between helpful medicine and medicine that goes too far, but I believe in this case, it's gone too far.
k is for kate.
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