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Old 03-21-2005, 02:35 PM   #24
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Dublin, California
Posts: 372
I'm not going to render a judgement here, but i'll say this. Even if she wants to die (and who's really to say for sure), they're going to let her fucking starve to death. I dont think its so bad that they want to terminate her life....its the way in which they'll do it. They will just stop feeding her, hoping it wont take too long. Doesnt something about that seem horribly fucking wrong??? Even if they dose her on pain killers, she will still gush blood from cracked mucus membranes that are so dry you can literally flake them away. Shes going to vomit from the seizures in her stomach, and then her stomach will distend in one last shudder of pain before she dies. Its been studied before, and thats basically how it happens before you die of forced hunger. See, this guy, Josef Mengele, studied and made notes on these sorts of things. Look him up if the name doesnt ring a bell.
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