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Old 03-21-2005, 03:53 PM   #25
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um... my guess is mengele did other things to his victims if that was the outcome. not to rain on your violent parade - which provided a fuckin' awesome visual, by the way - but that's not the way it happens.

it's a gradual process and i can't imagine any doctor, whether or not they believe she's capable of feeling, processing or otherwise experiencing the sensation of starving - i can't imagine her doc wouldn't provide morphine to help her slip comfortably away. think hospice. think comfort measures. it's not like - ok, take away the food, turn out the light and we'll check on her in a couple of weeks. the opiates will erase any sensation of hunger. the opiates will cloud her mind and make her feel good. the opiates provide pleasure and rest. it won't be as uncomfortable as some are making it out to be. it will be, in fact, rather euphoric. that's the way comfort measures are delivered - you ride out on a wave of morphine.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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