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Old 04-07-2005, 09:59 PM   #2
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The idea that his attackers' lawyer would ever try to build an argument based on God's law being higher than civil law... disgusts me. I know he didn't do that in this case, but the lawyer they described was just intensely disturbing.

On to the case- I thought the parallel between the lives of Micah and his attackers was interesting- both of them being so close to the Episcopal religion. Evidence like this shows that our sexuality is at least somewhat inherent in nature. Unfortunately, so is hatred. Hearing about how people still hate... I don't understand it. People throw things at kids walking down my road (liberal college in a rich town + rich ass idiotic high school kids = ugh), and I really don't understand what motivates such bullshit.

I'm sorry, this is getting off into "Rant Corner" material, but it really makes me sad to watch everyone become so used to stuff like this, even myself.

Being interested in Chechnya so much, I've really been questioning a lot of things in religion. I keep coming back to the fact that nothing will change if people still interpret their religious beliefs as rights to kill, hurt, taunt, hate, etc. I, personally, believe that religion should be personal, and that it shouldn't be impressed on other people, but what if somebody's religious belief is otherwise (as is often the case)? They don't understand ideas of open-ness. I don't get that. It's like something seriously happens to these people, and they're scared to accept. I don't understand.

Reading the last section of this article, I am amazed at how Micah's life was virtually destroyed by his sexuality. He had so much potential, and potential needs attention, not whatever you call the kind of treatment his father and mother provided. My god. And they call themselves parents.
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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