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Old 07-25-2007, 06:08 PM   #33
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Haha!!! White house press conference? Typical left spin. If anyone has a differing view of the radical left or talking heads on an issue you're immediately deemed to be using whitehouse talking points or trying to make things seem rosey than they are. Here's an idea, how about you not have a view that follows goose step with the left for a change?

You probably want us to march into Darfur too. But don't want us to be in Iraq (nevermind all the document human rights violations that occured there pre-invasion). I don't want to be in Iraq either. I'll be happy when the leftist econuts stop arguing over anwar and let us drill there and off our coasts so we can give the middle east the finger. I will apllaud the day when the over exagerated oil reserve dry up in Saudia Arabia and elsewhere and it turns back into camel shepards and sheep herders. Dust to dust and all that. I wasn't for invading Iraq, but since we're there, we should try to mop up and at least make sure they have the tools to get started. We are making progress with the troop surge (which all the dems said before that, we need more troops and now want them withdrawn). Go to the and check some of the real stories coming out of Iraq, and not the huge defeatist spin put on the news by the major networks and brainwashing left faction in our country.

Yes, germany is often used as the example. People forget how hard it was to purge the Nazi insurgents and bands of looters right after the war (that took a long time). For those facts it's a good example. A good idea if people so choosen to take the current path in Iraq as we are now, should have been done post gulf war. Why? Because there were way more people in the country ready to uprise and topple him then. We were told to stop by the UN and Opec and a league of others while we were chasing saddams army down the road. In fact they started to rise up when we stopped and turned around. What happened? All those people rose up and showed their faces, next day, Saddam sent in his Republican gaurd forces and killed them all. So right now, no ones left pretty much.

But nevermind the fact that the surge is working, despite the Iraqi govts malaise and the people on the left wanting to turn tail and run because the worlds to tough of a place and people have been taught, (indoctrinated) that it's ok to fail and there's nothing wrong with it. They've been taught that any life is too high to sacrifice for anything. So, tada! The boomerang generation of obese kids intent on living at home till they are 35 and not willing to give up cell phone service to pay a car payment or hold a job for more than a month. What does this have to do with Iraq and your insult? It shows why there are so many crybabies in the world right now.

So since you tried to make this personal, I'll throw my own insult since you were so kind:

Stop reguritating the same old left spin of defeat, and doom and gloom. If you had a brain and not just the part that controls autonomous functions (the brain stem). You might see past the childish view of yours and get a clue. Or you can get behind Micheal Moore and goose step march back to your la la land of forcing your views on others.
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P.T. Barnum

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