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Old 07-25-2007, 07:44 PM   #41
PinstripesAndPithHelmets's Avatar
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Posts: 922
Originally Posted by ArtificialOne
You made my point.

Talking points: Imperialism, gunpoint, big business, etc.
What would you call Halliburton, a mom-and-pop operation? My comparison of our current situation to those of the 19th century is certainly more sensible than stacking it up against post-WWII Germany. World War II cannot be effectively used as a yardstick against this war (or any of our other wars, for that matter) as it is a total historical aberration.

And while we're on the subject of Imperialism, didn't you yourself just make a comparison to the Roman Empire?


Yes, I believe the romans said it best. Insurgencies are best dealt with brutally.
Dulce Bellum Inexpertis.

And yes, I make the accusation that many don't know what sacrifice is, even at the small scale. I have personally made sacrifices, not just giving up my cell phone (it's an example you dumbass). Real sacrifice like putting your life on hold for something else for more than a few minutes(another example da). I give the example of sacrifice because when the going gets tuff these days people seem to start crying and run away to quit. So what if something doesn't go the way it's planned or takes longer than expected. Does that mean you should just quit? Babies.
So we should hold out until the last man? This isn't the Battle of Britain, the security of the nation isn't on the line, and since when does extricating oneself from a clusterfuck become a bad thing?

What do you call a man who continues going down a path that will lead to his ultimate destruction simply because he previously decided to follow said path?

An idiot, that's what.

BTW, Who am I to talk about personal sacrifice. I've proven myself you dipshit. I've travelled around the world and have served in the army. I was a 63Bravo. Look it up pee wee. And yes, I'd be right in the service again if it wasn't for my fiancee who's now serving also ( she asked me not to re-enlist). When you stop caring more about your simplistic Left wing and false caring bs you like to spew, give me a call.
And I suppose the fact that you were in the military at some point justifies letting our troops be picked off slowly so you can satisfy your own fucked up code of honor? Tell that to the families who lost their loved ones. I'm sure they'll join you in waving the flag. Explain to them why it is their children had to die. Hell, explain it to me. I'm still a little fuzzy on the issue, myself.

Sell jingo crazy elsewhere, cause I've had my fill. We're obviously not going to convince each other to change our minds, so this will be my last post on the subject. I'm flip-floppin' my way out of this argument.
"I saw Judas Iscariot, carryin' John Wilkes Boothe." - Tom Waits
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