Thread: Nonsense
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Old 08-06-2007, 10:59 AM   #166
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 129
Originally Posted by honeythorn
Why would I need to kill for my beliefs? The main cause of people killing for their beliefs is to frighten people into conversion to their faith. Paganism is non proselytising, the general belief is that religion/faith is personal, and something you decide on at your own pace, by your own choice. There is no big book saying " convert those who do not believe or kill them/they will be judged by..X...and go to...wherever " so that option is out .

There is no reason to kill FOR my beliefs. If it was a matter of defending my own physical safety, if someone came at me with a knife or something, screaming at me to convert or die !!!!, then yes, I would defend myself however nessescary, and I would still do my best to avoid killing the maniac, I se no need to kill someone iof I could really help it.

But that has nothing to do with my beliefs and everything to do with my own safety.
You must not believe that strong then. Your beliefs must be very flimsy. I think any belief should be worth dying for, if you really believe in it. Because it's as close to truth as one might think is possible. Of course, it's often never the case, which is why I don't hold beliefs. But surely to the person holding them, they are very real.

Still, the question isn't about if your beliefs warranted it. Would you kill for your earnest beliefs? I would always reply yes, personally.

Also, if you decide on your own religion, how did you come across a particular religion? It sounds like a bunch of b.s. to me. Another religion that claims no converts, but has many.
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