Thread: Nonsense
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Old 08-06-2007, 11:54 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by Onetwothree
You must not believe that strong then. Your beliefs must be very flimsy. I think any belief should be worth dying for, if you really believe in it. Because it's as close to truth as one might think is possible. Of course, it's often never the case, which is why I don't hold beliefs. But surely to the person holding them, they are very real.

Still, the question isn't about if your beliefs warranted it. Would you kill for your earnest beliefs? I would always reply yes, personally.

Also, if you decide on your own religion, how did you come across a particular religion? It sounds like a bunch of b.s. to me. Another religion that claims no converts, but has many.
But what exactly do you mean FOR my beliefs? What reason could I possibly have? I would die for them, but I have no reason whatsoever to kill for them.

To answer the other question.

Paganism ( or neo paganism as it is usually referred to ) is an umbrella term for nature based belief systems and religions. There are many kinds, Wicca, Druidry, Heathenism, Asatru, folk/country based beliefs, witchcraft ( usually incorporated into Wicca, but can be practiced quite seperately without reference to a specifically named goddess and god, or pantheon) and so on, I can't remember them all at the moment.

I found actual information in books and on the internet. I have never been christened or baptised to any religion, my parents are not particularly religious. I guess you could say they are agnostic. They only christened my older brothers because it was the done thing at the time.

I have always been very close to nature, I live near the countryside and am about ten minutes from a wood. I've always felt very connected , and this feeling has grown over the years. I picked up a book on witchraft in a bookstore, I felt very interested when I saw it. I have since bought many books and am part of 3 forums dedicated to pagan faiths and beliefs . When I read the books I felt that the contents reflected a huge portion of what I have felt and believed all my life.

I also never claimed to worship any particular deity. I have not chosen a pantheon or particular area of paganism to adhere to. I don't get down and bow to trees and shrubs or anything. I revere nature, I do not worship it and I feel that there is something of the divine ( I do not claim to know what ) in all living things.

I think many are drawn to paganism because there is no set dogma. No big book of set rules and no great big devil-like figure to torment you when you pass on if you haven't been good. Naturally people have morals, and basic common sense ( yes despite believing in something you claim probably doesn't exist, weird eh? ) when it comes to life in general. The majority( if not all ) pagans are very nature concious, and envronmentally aware, think about it, the earth is what sustains you, provides you with food and liquid in order to survive, I think it deserves a little reverence.

I do not care how illogical or ridiculous that sounds to you, it isn't your belief and so it isn't your concern.
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