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Old 08-12-2007, 05:08 AM   #5
Tha Duckman
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Behind a keyboard.
Posts: 4,603
It's a lot like this place. The majority are OK, but every once in a while you stumble into a place almost full to the brim of pretentious fuck nuts. A lot of the sceners are alright.

I like dominant chicks 'cuz I'm just a lazy bastard. I have major issues just deciding what colour toilet paper to buy, or which itch to scratch first. I spend more time THINKING about that then actually scratching myself. I'm not the most self-confident of fellows, and dominant chicks just make that feeling go away. It's like, guys are pretty much expected to do ALL the work, from the picking up and all the other shit that comes after that (And fuck you lying females that say otherwise). All the chick really has to do is be there. Fuck, all she does is lie the fuck down, I dunno, play some Game Boy or whatever, read one of my comic books or something. The only active thing they do is break up with you, then go repeat the damn process with some fucker who you've never met called Matthew, that damn son of a bitch. On top of that, I'm a wuss, too, and I hate getting into fights. I can hit real fucking hard and take people down with one, but it's the actual fucking HITTING them I have trouble with. I'm all "Hold the fuck up, man! Jesus, you're going to fast!" and by that time I'm already on the floor and I look like a (Bigger) moron. If the bastards would just hang on a God damn second, or maybe go into bullet time for, say, eight seconds or something, I can figure out where I'm gonna punch them, at what angle it will be at and how much force I can exert without using up too much energy that I'm gonna need to play video games. So I like chicks that can hold their own and don't need or expect me to turn into The Incredible Hulk every fucking night we go out. Sure, I'll back her up, but FUCK, you'd be a liar if you told me you never thought to yourself "Dude, what the Hell are you doing? This dude can fucking eat you and shit you out without chewing you! And if she leaves you, heck, there's always!" So the end result is me always getting my ass handed to me with a side order of my own snotty blood, and then the dumb bitch goes off with him of her volition! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU LADY!?!?! Then I get kicked out for "Causing a ruckus" and I'm all like "Dude, call the cops or something, man!" and then they're all "Hell no! He's WELL big! He'll beat me up!" so I go home and take some drugs and wallow in my own pity and self defeat, all the while I'm wondering where the fuck it all went wrong.

Personally, I blame my dyke Mother...
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