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Old 05-04-2005, 04:35 PM   #466
TeapotScar's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Originally Posted by MrMaelstrom
S'alright Tman, I roll hash joints. I only do bongs when there's enough to waste bowls of it (once every blue Moon).

We're poor here. Hash needs to be mixed with some tobacco in order to be smoked (unless, of course, you got some uber stash to pipe it pure and direct [did it a couple of times and it's the smoothest shit ever, without the cough from burning weed or tobacco]).
We put filters into our joints (made out usually of subway tickets for the proper paper thickness. *recycle people ). We don't do that strange thing you guys do with tweezers and shit.
Whether it's grass or hash, I always put a bit of tobacco next to the filter, as not to have to smoke the filter to get the last of the oil.

As for bongs, as I can't afford to waste, I usually use a chinese bambu opium water-pipe (looks like a small bazooka, but it works fine). I roll a joint and put the filter to the small hole where you normally would put a thick opium stick (like incense).
If I'm feeling perky, I'll switch the water for vodka (boyohboy).

If I don't have the bambazuka around, I use the bucket routine:

-You take a plastic bottle (large one, but not gallon), a bucket full of water, a joint of whatever you feel like smoking and a small McGiverish knife.

-You cut off the bottom of the bottle, and make a slit or hole in the bottle cap so you can fit the filter of the joint snuggly into it.

-With the cap removed from the bottle, dip it into the bucket. The water level will be the same inside and outside the bottle.

-Light it up, fit it into the cap and close the bottle. SLOWLY lift up the bottle. The water inside goes down trying to reach the same level as outside the bottle, pulling down the smoke through the cap.

-Remove cap. Place lips onto bottle and SLOWLY dip it back down as you inhale.

-God just shot a desert eagle slugg between your eyes.

Once you regain consciousness, you might wanna check if there's any joint left to repeat the process (hence the SLOWLY bit). It's basically a whole joint in a single puff (hence the SLOWLY bit again.

Good luck with it and I hope you have enough food in the house, or it can turn tragic very fast.

What was this all about? Tstone, I love you too, but we're not gonna take long showers together, so don't worry about pipes. I dig the arabian Hookas, baby.

Oh, and before I forget: well done Tea. I'm very proud of you. Now jump up, turn 'round and get nekkid for me. :twisted:

And I love you too Wolf, even if now you're a big man with a wompin' stick
Just as a side note on that bucket bong thing- If y'all have room mates, don't make this, turn off the lights, and leave it in the middle of the floor. It just makes my clean laundry all wet... (it's a sad, sad story...)

And Nekkid time? I thought you'd never ask... w00t!
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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