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Old 05-06-2005, 05:20 PM   #11
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Binks dear, I'm sorry for having given the impression I didn't give a rats arse about the needy who have the military as a sole alternative to furthe their education. It is not so.
But I feel that it doesn't take much of the pentagon's huge marketing department budget on tv, radio and magazine adverts to influence those who really need it.
It's the fringe, the undecided, the not-as-needy that are being targeted, much like your last elections' pub circus concentrated on specific niches in the audience and not on the hardcore.

In the end, you didn't even need the pragmatism of detached speech. I think it's wrong on a moral principle. It's a question of integrity to deliver the pursuit of happiness to all citizens who obey the rules of civilized society.
But it's your freely elected government who did this. So, if you're an american citizen who also doesn't agree and didn't vote=fuck you. You don't have the right to criticise.
Next time, exercise the only power you have in this system.
You're too young to vote? Read up on things and participate in order to properly make up your own fucking mind when the time comes.

I'm a foreigner. The rules in my country do not recognize Homosexuality (not bad, since not long ago, it was a crime).
But my society believes that who you fuck is your own business. They will criticise it and be pricks if they find out, but no one would dream of asking who you like to fuck before you join a bunch of people of the same sex for a while. Even people who aren't morons might feel uncomfortable around someone they know to be gay (especially in the navy). It's his/her choice to "come out" and not a pre-requirement for a job.

But you voted and spoke your choice. Sadly, for the 1st time, I'll say something about americans I've been saying for years about my country: people get the government they deserve.


p.s. My heart goes out to the needy stuck in a war thousands of lifetimes away from home, strangers in a strange land, fighting for something they don't really know about, but keep fighting, because they're brothers are there, and all because they wanted to be better people (well at least they're not fags). Sorry if I remind you of Sternn.
Undead again...
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