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Old 08-23-2007, 03:00 AM   #128
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Posts: 55
Originally Posted by Onetwothree
Atheism is not a religion. Atheism is the absence of religion; the absence of belief; the absence of a belief in the supernatural.

Atheism is as much a religion, as bald is a hair-color.

Furthermore, there is nothing negative at all about atheism, and there never will be. Because there has never been a passive stance on earth that has been responsible for anything. One could argue that mustaches make men evil, evidenced by Hitler and Stalin. Or that because Columbus did not juggle he felt it necessary to kill Native Americans and enslave them.

Your logic fails, and you are not an atheist. You are really not a disgrace to atheists, but surely a misleading one.

Furthermore, atheism is as perfect as perfect can get. Go read a book by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, or someone like them. They can explain what atheism is better than me, or I can start quoting if you'd like.

And finally it all makes sense. Onetwothree is PERFECT! Y'all are wrong. Now with his total lack of tolerance for other opinions, his beleifs will surely lead to world peace.

You bloody idiot! You fail to see that you are taking what is exactly the bad aspects of religions, and importing them into your "so called" perfect atheism. You're no different from sick and demented religious fanatics who have over the ages wreaked havoc across the world - they all felt they were PERFECT. Oh, the irony of it all.
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