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Old 05-24-2005, 08:43 PM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: under the bed
Posts: 90
I would like to bring up another view point on revenge.

I think seriously we need revenge hungry sick-o s. You want know why??? Because there are some assholes who just won't get a clue and will continue to harm people until someone steps up and harms them back. I think if more people sought vengence there would be less dickheads floating around causing drama. There are way too many people who have no conscience what-so-ever.

I mean if you want to be stepped on, by all means continue being a pacifist under the illusion you're doing some thing wonderful by not fighting back.

But I know that every motherfucker who has stepped on me will think twice if they even contemplate trying it again. Maybe they will think twice before dicking someone else over too because of what I have done to them.

Yes I know there are laws to protect us from some of the cunts out there. The rest of them need a good kick in the pants!!!!
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