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Old 05-31-2005, 06:23 PM   #2
CptSternn's Avatar
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Ill - The EU (European Union) is the new United States. All these member countries here are now merging together economically and politically.

They wrote a constitution, like the US Constitution, and all member states have to ratify it, like the US States did to their constitution. And like the original US Constitution, there are always hold outs, and in this case, a state that wants to make a few changes.

We are already merged economically. I mean, the Euro is now the official form of currency across Europe, which rocks as no more converting money while moving around. We also can travel from country to country without a passport or any ID. We a rapidly becoming the next United States. Oh, and since we all have state managed healthcare, most places its free, and if you go to another country with your ID to prove your a citizen in a member country you get free healthcare there as well.

Oh yeah, we also can work in any member country without having to get a visa or fill out paperwork, as long as we have our ID.

They say France rejecting the first constitutio is a setback, but if all the others retify it, they will have to as well. The only country fighting it really is Britian, who has still yet to adopt the Euro. They want to remain their own country, as they still think they are better than the rest of Europe and use 9/11 as an excuse to require work visas and all kinds of background checks.

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