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Old 06-03-2005, 05:36 AM   #16
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Austria
Posts: 48
What I think is that a country can't agree and then just back out becuase they decided that they don't like something. Only because of the army problem... The EU isn't only about the army and I think that compromises could be found. The USA has to have an opposing power, because otherwise they can do whatever they fucking want and no one will be strong enought to say STOP. In the cold war there was at least Russia to do this, and now the country has completely fallen and it will take a while before it strengthens.
The EUs constitution may have some bullshit in it, but it doesn't mean that now, when they have gone so far, everone can just say, "Well, you know what guys, I don't think i like this idea after all. Bye-bye". France used a clever method: asking the people. Well, damn it, of course many people won't be happy with being in the EU. How many of those voters have actually READ the constitution? All they know about it is the selected and exagerated stuff from the news. And many patriots would definately be against uniting themselves with other countries, especially in France, the French being very serious about preserving their culture and "Frenchness".
You can't just lock yourself up in your own little world and only care about ITS prosperity. The outside world needs help. As I already said, there must be another power to withstand the US.
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