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Old 06-14-2005, 07:26 PM   #663
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I started my first real day as a councelor at the JCC-SF (Jewish Community Center - San Francisco) today, with the "Shemesh" group of kids (i.e. kindergarten to second graders). Whooo boy. Overwhelming - I'm freakin' pooped.

Dude... this goes out to anyone: does it normally take first graders a half hour to change from bathing suits to the clothes they wore before getting in to their swim-suits? Oh, man. So many freaking kids forgot what they came in with... and like.. this one mother was freaking out 'cause the kid had two different socks on - neither of them were his to begin with. >_<

And as a P.S.: The "kiddy pool" water is freaking rancid. If the kids didn't take 45 minutes to change I'd've lent them to a CIT (councelor in training) and taken a shower >_<
"I'm right"

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