Thread: Oh Holy Shit.
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:52 AM   #10
ApothoKeri's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 180
Right so...

Basically, things got a bit blurred from drinking, slightly out of hand but it stopped?


You stopped it on your part, so that is really where your responsibility ends. What he does with others if he is married is totally his personal issue (unless it is directly with you - but you stopped that). I really would not recommend inserting yourself farther into it. It will probably piss off a lot of people (and a lot of anger will be directed at you from all sides).

If he is going to self-destruct his own marriage he will do so but that really is his issue and a very personal one. If it never happens again and it really was a one time thing, then I don't see why there should be some big dramatic blowout with his wife and perhaps ruin three lives and prevent him from ever living near his child again all because he got a bit drunk and made a minor (one time kiss NOT even sex) mistake, idiotic bad judgment thing.

I really think it should be something left with him to deal with, IMO. Just tell him 'no thanks' from yourself personally and move on from the situation.
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