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Old 01-20-2008, 10:36 AM   #36
AngelikDemonik's Avatar
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Posts: 706
Originally Posted by XxZanexX
I can only imagine that genital piercings would be incredibly painful. :S

Luckily I don't want one! I want an industrial piercing. Well, one in each ear, to be exact. I've been reading BME and they seem to be known as some of the most painful piercings you can get.

I was wondering what the most painful piercing y'all have gotten is?

And if you do have an industrial piercing: What was so painful about it? The actual piercing, the healing process, or another aspect? (And y'all can answer this about other piercings too.)

I don't remember getting my lobes done as I was only a small child but the only other piercing I've had done is a labret which didn't really hurt much at all. The foerster clamps were more painful than the needle.
My industrial hurt like hell. The first hole was tolerable, but the upper, second hole nearly made me cry. I guess it hurt so much because of the amount of pressure he had to use to get it through. That, and like 7 random people I didn't know came into the room to watch him do it. The healing process was horrible. I kept it very clean and took very good care of it, but it never healed up, even after two years. I took it, and it closed up.

My tongue was great, I didn't feel a thing, and it healed up nice and quickly.

The second time I got my nostril pierced, it hurt very bad, but that's because I had it pierced over scar tissue. It's healed up good and proper now, and my only porblem with it is it getting caught on my blankets when I sleep.
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