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Old 01-28-2008, 09:50 PM   #1
biohazard's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Canada
Posts: 2,095
Re-introducing an insane mind...

I have been away for some weeks, only posting once or twice every so often. But I am finally back to stay.

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)
I enjoy writing on forums, visiting personal sites such as myspace, net-surfing, instant messaging, playing video games, watching good anime and meeting new people. I am currently a student. I love vampires, and believe in spirits. I would like to meet an actual ghost or spirit before dying.

2. Where are you from?
Central America, El Salvador to be exact. I do not like it much here, though. The gothic subulture here is probably non-existent or very small.

3. Who is your favorite author?
Anne Rice.

4. What are your favorite films?
Freddy vs. Jason, Saw series, The Exorcist, The Butterfly effect, Pokemon the first movie.

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?
I would like to play some metal, maybe some Dimmu Borgir. If not, then maybe a song by Chimaira.

6. At your funeral?
Again, probably Dimmu or anything heavy, although something like Nightwish could be soothing as well.

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?
I would like to die in my sleep, and die without feeling much pain. If this doesn´t happen, I would also like to die of suicide, probably by taking deadly pills.

8. What kind of casket would you want?
I would want a vampiric casket, big enough for me, with many creative designs.

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?
Probably a black band shirt, black pants, black converse, my plated belt and plated bracelet, and my necklaces.

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
Ignorance about the world. Thinking that everything is good and happy, not knowing about hate, diseases, racism, etc. Also having a lot of free time.

11. What's your favorite band?
I have many. As for metal, probably Dimmu Borgir. In the goth area I enjoy The Sisters of Mercy, The Cruxshadows, Lacrimosa, London After Midnight, and many others. As for Industrial, I like Grendel a lot.

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?
I want to be an industrial engineer. I will (hopefully) be entering university next year.

13. Why did you join?
I wanted to get to know about the gothic subculture, since it has always fascinated me, especially the fashion. I would also like to expand my knowledge, since you can never know everything.

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?
††A tisket, a tasket, a victim in a casket.††
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