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Old 01-29-2008, 06:02 PM   #57
An Eccentric Cellist
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: South of the Unseelie Court
Posts: 415
Eh. I'm a Pagan, which has NOTHING to do with the Occult. (I'm serious)
Anyway, my High Priest and his mate can prove Magick with the String Theory and the Chaos Theory. It's quite entertaining to watch them speak with people who have questions because they usually go over their heads.

What amuses me is that in nature heterosexuality is the exception not the rule, so it's the humans that have it all wrong.
I like the majority of Christians I meet. They're typically quite nice but if I get near any big crowds that give the "Extremist Christian" vibe I turn tail.
Some people are alive simply
because it is illegal to kill them.
~ A wise old bumpersticker
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