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Old 02-18-2008, 06:31 AM   #51
ApothoKeri's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 180
Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus
I like how asshole guys can't keep a job or have friends in your world. Interesting. Anyway, I've found that guys who don't bend over backwards to be 'nice' are perfectly capable of getting married, but at times they don't want to do so, because women are often so willing to cheat on their 'nice husbands'. It's the same situation I described earlier, wherein the 'nice' spouse is a comforting constant and possibly even a source of income, but the extra-curricular asshole is the real source of excitement.

Try it and see.
First off, just because someone is a nice guy does not mean they let people walk all over them. Being kind and respectful of the people you love and being a doormat are not anywhere near exclusive. Second, assholes are not exciting, at least not to me or any of the other women I have ever known...they are simply just assholes and rather boring and redundant at that. Third, I have 'tried' it, I have been married to a very nice, intillegent, creative and gorgeous man for over a decade and would not have it any other way. Why on earth would I want even do much as a temporary partner that did not have such qualities? This is hardly rocket science here people.
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