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Old 04-09-2008, 08:28 AM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2007
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You should have submitted to that notion to the oxymoron thread, you might have posted the first phrase, of all those which emerged in the course of that discussion, to actually contain a contradiction in terms.
Oi is inherently communal music, a movement as much as a genre, its message a call for unity in the hope of achieving of political aims. Emotive hardcore, on the other hand, is fundamentally the opposite-- the lyrics are intimate intimate and personal; contemplative and sad where Oi is brutal and angry.
I suppose theoretically the closest thing to emotive Oi would be some sort of 'commiseration front', bands who declare "WE'VE ALL HAD OUR HEARTS BROKEN AND AS LONG AS WE DRAW BREATH THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ANYONE EVER AGAIN". I feel this would be truly sickening.
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