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Old 05-06-2008, 01:59 PM   #53
Mother Of All Things Odd
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Spring Hill, FL
Posts: 29
from the bloody lunatic

Originally Posted by ThreeEyesOni
You have no idea how much I wish that was even possible. -_- Ironically, Israel is one of the few countries that will (quite easily in fact) accept foreign nationals on grounds similar to what you just said.

Unfortunately it's only rather recently that public opinion on the matter of "kick out the natives so we can have the land" has been unacceptable in the majority of the world. Look at the British Empire, the Roman Empire, the colonial Americas, etc etc. Go back as many thousands of years and that's what you see. There comes a point where we have to all accept that every portion of the planet was previously inhabited by some other section of the species and that every cultural group has done this in the past. Then we all just have to figure out some way to bloody live together and acknowledge that there's a finite amount of land for us to share.

PS: Anyone that starts with "My dearest darling children" and the continues with vaugely prophetic ramblings devoid of proper use of punctuation (psssttt... you're supposed to put a space after punctuation) pretty much falls into my personal catagory of "bloody lunatic better not listened to".
I noticed quite a few errors in your own grammar. After etc should be a period and a comma
Oh and your spelling left something to be desired too. What's a vaguely and a catagory?
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