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Old 05-22-2008, 06:35 PM   #8
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Posts: 999
When someone stalks your daughter, you need call the police and actually press charges. The United States has this phobia of vigilante justice, and by assaulting her you're exposing yourself to possible charges that carry jail time. The only way you could make it out of a court is if you could prove your daughter was in physical danger, and good luck doing that.

As to the girls hitting on her, look at it from the girls point of view. If she's giving off the impression that she's homosexual, then homosexuals are going to ask her out. Even if she isn't giving off the distinct impression she's homosexual, some people might perceive it as such and take a risk to ask her out. There's nothing malicious about this, nor is there anything to worry about.

It becomes malicious when they make advances to her that are either:
a.) Sexual enough in nature that it goes in to sexual harassment.
b.) Continue even after she's said no multiple times.

Otherwise it's just a natural case of someone trying to find a partner (Like most High Schoolers do), and there's nothing illegal or harmful about it.

Finally, she can deal with the boys by telling them to either grow a pair or leave her alone.
"What have I taken away from you?"
"My irlelaulsiitoyn!."
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