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Old 05-23-2008, 10:54 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite
You know what this is? I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but then I realised that you took your daughter to a FREEKIN anime rave.

So I'm putting two and two together. Your daughter was at a rave... FULL of anime fans. Now, not all anime fans are otaku... but there are rather creepy, RABIDLY fanatic otakus that go to anime conventions and there are a lot of them.

She was at a fucking RAVE. Not only that, but a shitty rave full of anime FANS.

So your daughter was getting hit on by adult lesbians... AT A RAVE. What do you expect? Oh and the loser boys? Once again... ANIME RAVE. DUH! So yeah, I could totally understand why your goth daughter was getting hit on left and right at a fucking anime... rave.

I wish I could articulate this just a bit better, maybe sound wittier or more intelligent but frankly I'm at a loss for words. Pedos and anime are like peanut butter and jelly. If you're willing to let your daughter go to raves, even those based on anime, then I beseech you to understand that even though you're watching over her, she's going to have to be willing to roll with the adult punches.

Maybe you should take her back to bible camp instead... where the pedophillia isn't so obvious. Then again... it might be better to be in a place where it's more easily noticed.
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