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Old 05-29-2008, 09:38 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Opteron_Man
Not this bullshit again! The Michelson-Morley experiment was false because you can't detect an ether drift on the surface of Earth! They knew that! As you get farther away from it, like out in space the ether is more in motion. On the surface it is stationary. I don't see them putting that test equipment and taking it all up on a shuttle and redoing the test out in orbit!
Its hardly "again" because you never answered it properly last time. Do you know why Ether believers claimed you can't detect a drift on the surface of the Earth? Because they claimed that the Earth's mass would drag the Ether along with it.
But the Michelson-Morley experiment was repeated with very large masses around it. If the Ether was affected by the Earth (a mass) then this experiment should have showed a difference to the original experiment. It didn't.

Originally Posted by Opteron_Man
Oh really!? Free energy is impossible eh? Hmm, try to explain the Atomic Hydrogen torch. or the Atomic Hydrogen Furnace. Where is THAT excess energy coming from? I'll tell you, the ether!
I have no idea what those are. Searching google for the torch finds a wiki entry about "Atomic hydrogen welding". You use a torch for welding so I assume you mean a tool used in this process? Theres no mention of free energy or the Ether and it uses the word "electrodes" which implies theres a voltage being applied from a power source.
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