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Old 05-30-2008, 02:52 PM   #124
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Kind of late with the commenting here, but I think it's good of Megansmom to be checking out the things that her girls are wanting to wear. How many 11, 12, 13 etc. year old girls do you see all the time walking around like they'r extras in some porn? All the freaking time. How do they get these slutty clothes? Why, with money that Mommy and Daddy give them. These kids will go out, buy whatever they want and then come back with their parents not even checking out what was bought, then they wear them with the parents not even giving a rat's a ss about what their kids are wearing out into the world.

Yeah, Megansmom, I wouldn'd let my daughter wear ****** clothes. There is some cute things, but there are some things that go into the bad territory. Good for you to be checking up on what your kids are interested in. More parents should be pro-active in their childrens' life. I wish my mom had been.
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