Thread: Goth jobs?
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Old 06-17-2008, 07:22 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
You know, this is why I've become disenchanted with the goth subculture.
I don't care when people say it's a phase, or that it's too much emphasis on a musical style, or such.
What pisses me off is its wimpyness. Goth isn't an offshoot of punk so much as punk with its fangs cut out.
A popular 'gothic guide' says that when punk split into Oi! and anarchopunk, that it was gothic rock who maintained the spirit of true punk (the nerve!)
But actually it does have a point. The Sex Pistols, nothing but an alternative marketing plan (no matter how cool, that's what they were) and their precious Sid Vicious certainly have more to do with Siouxsie and the Banshees than Crass.
Countless times emo has been said that indeed it comes from punk but is entirely different and quite a sad evolution for punk. Well, it's exactly the same with gothic rock.
It certainly can't be punk when the term "Corporate Goth" is perfectly acceptable. Where's the relationship with punk when there's no normative hopes for equality and liberty?
Individuality - the one abstract term Goth is supposed to appreciate - has more to do with Victorian capitalism than leftist non-conformism.
Even that article about the boys from the Lancaster case mentioned us as peaceful law-abiding citizens. Certainly I don't want Goth to go back to being associated with sociopaths like Columbine, but what's so fucking alternative about being a perfectly law-abiding citizen that just dresses black?
Maybe some people actually see what I'm complaining as a virtue. That goths are just regular people that look differently and listen to different music. But then what's so punky about that? It's worse than pop-punk; at least those kids are trying to rebel in the only way they were taught to.
Goth becomes nothing but a blankie. The music is not particularly more artsy than other genres, and it's not subversive at all. The look shouts difference, but yet goths can't stop stressing just how alike to 'normal' people they are. Just another part of the status quo fitting in a niche to feel more comfortable when facing life's struggles.
Fine! I'm fucking ranting, so I'll go back to the point of this thread:
I understand the attitude behind those that don't want to change for a job, but I'm going to go with the so-called 'realists' in here.
You're selling yourself, and they're buying you, so you can't complain. And so shall I be when I get a job. Either I will live a fucking awesome life or I'll end up selling my principles and my life for eight dollars an hour. But in both cases at least I won't be lying to myself that I'm choosing to move the same direction as the strings.
So, don't complain about selling your looks; you are already a whore after all.
Maybe I'll just take that big capitalist phallus as far down the back of my throat as I can stomach, and then tear it straight off.
I'm not trying to delude myself into thinking I was already moving in the same direction as the strings, so much as seeing if I can move the puppetmaster's hand, even if just an iota
That said, Jillian: Respect for the words.

Originally Posted by Barfing_Rat
Hey other thing you can do is... Be a goth model... But good luck getting that job. Those who manage to make a living at it do very well at it. But you better hope you're at least 6'0, preferably around 6'3. Some of the most famous female goth model such as Scar13, Szardova, Kellie Laplegua are 5'7 or 5'8 so they definitely want a taller guy.
6'4". I'm not bad looking, but I'm not model material. Tooo baaaad!
Originally Posted by Duckman
I'm not, but that's by choice, not because I refuse to tidy myself up. I'm happy with my situation, apart from the whole court ordered sobriety and lack of love life.
I love you, Duckie. Feel better.
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