Thread: Goth jobs?
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Old 06-17-2008, 04:04 PM   #94
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It's not that big of a deal, really. Being alternative in any way is about as alternative as golf shirts and comb overs anymore.

EVERYONE has a tattoo, EVERYONE wears black, EVERYONE has some kind of piercing.

It's not as "dangerous" these days as it was back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

The key is, is to not make a big deal about it. I actually commend the "emos" out there for popularizing alternative fashion so much that it's lost all meaning. Seriously. Now, to truly be progressive these days, it has more to do with actions instead of putting on some black clothes.

Honestly, it's not that big of deal anymore. I've seen people work at gas stations with SILVER and PURPLE hair. Gas stations. It's not that big of an issue anymore. Even the people on this forum who support the idea that we can't help but be uniform people because we'll starve if we don't is an old and ridiculous idea.

I can't even begin to tell you how many people that are alternative are selling cars, doing customer service, outsourcing different kinds of data, you name it. Even WAITERS... not waitresses, but even WAITERS are getting away with mohawks in LOTS of restaurants.

These days, people just do not care. There is maybe 1 or 2 out of ever 5 people that would actually make it a big deal, I'm willing to bet.
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