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Old 06-25-2008, 03:05 PM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2007
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It would have made perfect sense. The other three were part of cliques that weren't particularly unpopular, they prospered in their school environment. In their discussion about what happens the next time they go to school, geeky kid is the only one that accepts them as friends. They all say that they will, but the film points out the whimsical nature of groups within high school, and for them to eschew the promises they made for the sake of social standing would've been a far better message than happy Breakfast Club land. Obviously considering that my suggestion was a ten second alternative that actually made a point beyond coming-of-age film normalities, it wasn't particularly fabulous, but I would've preferred it to the boring ending of The Breakfast Club.

Obviously these endings are completely subjective. Some people would have loved the endings, but then some people would have loved the film Gay******s From Outer Space, or would've been cheering like crazy when Judge Dredd rode off on his motorcycle.
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