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Old 08-01-2008, 01:12 PM   #8
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I also have some questions on this subject too ...

1) What is the purpose of the `Homecoming Parade` ?

2) Do you have to pay to use the school buses, or are they free ?

3) Do you have `Prefects` like we have in the UK (senior students who have authority over other students and can give out punishments to other students (this happened when I was at school ) ?

4) What exactly are `Cherry bombs` ?

5) Do you have to pay for the use of your lockers and how long do you have them for ?

6) Why is evolution banned in some schools when the USA is a secular country ?

It would be really cool if someone could answer my questions too !!!.
For in each delve and greenwood,
far wiser creatures play,
and in their veins and sinews,
live the gods of yesterday.

Be excellent to one another !!!.
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