Thread: Firearms
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Old 08-24-2008, 04:08 PM   #178
LiUsAiDh's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking_05
You want everyone to be disarmed of guns because you don't like them,gun or not people will still hurt/kill others because it is the dark side of humanity.
Guns make this easier though, do you want to aid the 'dark side of humainity'.

Those that defend themselves and families don't matter to you because you have the attitude that if "I don't like it,It has to go",with disreguard to others views on the subject.
I don't have that attitude. I don't like Boyzone, but they don't have to go because they give some people pleasure, and don't kill. To defend your family? Does that justify killing another, why not use a taser. Why kill, think of the victim's family.

Telling me that I should give up my guns because"It might make the world safer"

Safer for who?

Not for me,not for my family.
I'm not saying you shouldn't protect your family, use a taser, and protect somebody else's family.

You chose to read and post in this thread,for what purpose?

To state your opinion or to stirr up trouble?
To state my opinion, because I believe guns are wrong.

If the general populus didn't have guns then criminals wouldn't 'need' guns.

Whatever you (i.e. non criminal - hopefully) carry, the criminal will carry one worse. You have a pistol, he/she'll have a machine gun.

You have a machine gun, they'll have bazookas.

I guess, answer me this, why carry a gun instead of a taser or pepper spray for protection?
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Pie Jesu domine..... Donna eis requiem - *thwack*

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