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Old 10-13-2008, 09:55 AM   #7
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Location: Louisville, TN
Posts: 118
Originally Posted by Jonathan
Does this mean I would be able to request that, instead of the 90% contribution to health care that my employer gives me, I receive the cash in hand to do with as I please?

If not, then not interested. McCain's little tax credit would get me at best a few months.

Anyone that has ever looked into extending their medical after leaving a job knows how expensive that kind of insurance can be. For an individual. I can only imagine how scary this is to someone with a family to support.
Seriously, it's ridiculously expensive. With McCain's plan, we're going to have more uninsured people than we started out with.

It sounds like this program is going to make it more difficult for companies to offer insurance benefits, make employees pay taxes on the insurance the company does pay for, or allow them to completely bypass the company benefit and pay for insurance on their own little lonesome; which is fucking expensive. It was apparently an average of $7,600 for a single person in 2007, much more than the promised $2,500 refundable tax credit. Yes, let me just pull that extra $5,100 out of my ass. I'm afraid to go into what insurance costs per family was in 2007, since an entire family would only getting double the amount of tax credit a single person would get.
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